I promised an update on my grey water tank leak. This is a 'no-progress/solution' message but may be helpful for anyone sharing this problem. Since I do not have the means to elevate the Pod to remove the grey tank, nor the technology to seal any holes, I have delivered the Pod to a dealership to examine. Also, the Canadian winter is setting in and minus temperatures do not encourage such work outside!
They are backlogged and it will be 2 to 3 weeks before they even look at it. The technician I talked with told me that attempts at sealing often result in further leakages and frustration. The likelihood is that I may need a new tank. The problem then becomes delivery time as shipments from the U.S. are unreliable and can take up to 10 weeks. Well, Snowbirding to Arizona is out for the foreseeable future, so repairs may have to wait until Spring. I will update sometime in the future (if I live that long!!!). Cheers!