A workable solar power system to do what you need it to do has to have adequate storage (battery) capacity and adequate generating (solar panels/charge controller) capacity. It really is a matter of being aware of just how much power you are using each day and whether you can replace that efficiently. The problem is that the sun doesn't always cooperate, so excess capacity is always good.
I just bought a Go Power! 120 watt suitcase solar kit. I'm very impressed with it so far, nice heavy (efficient) cables, numerous connection options including a plug and play connector for the trailer's solar ready connector. Our new R-Pod came with a single 90 Ah battery and it's not enough for us to go off the grid with. I'll be replacing it with a couple of 6 volt golf cart batteries to boost our storage to 220 Ah or so.
As Leo mentioned, unless you have a 12 volt TV, you'll need an inverter which adds another layer of complexity and power consumption.
I'm sure others will be along to add to this.